News  ·  27 | 01 | 2018

Locarno's Open Doors and Industry go...

Working as ever for synergy, efficiency, and clarity, the industry branch of the Festival has undergone a thorough overhaul and rebranding. One of the first new features introduced by Locarno71 is a new name for the Festival’s range of professional offerings. As from today, Open Doors, Industry Screenings, Alliance for Development, First Look, Match Me!, StepIn and the Industry Academy will all be referred to as Locarno Pro.

“The time was right to come together in a huddle that will create a decisive, clear and strong image for us, including in communication terms,” – is how Nadia Dresti puts it, as the Festival’s Deputy Artistic Director and Head of Locarno Pro. “Hence the new name Locarno Pro. We wanted to bring all our activities together under one roof. They will continue to work and intervene independently, each with its own special characteristics, but under a single coordination structure. In that perspective,” – continues Nadia Dresti – “Pro is the perfect name: greater efficiency on the inside, greater clarity on the outside.”
So the name changes and the meaning grows stronger. “By redefining itself in industry terms, Locarno confirms and strengthens its role as a platform for debate, networking, comparison and growth for the entire film industry, from the point of view of those working in it.” One great venue, just a few steps from the Piazza Grande itself, where that whole industry world can meet up and exchange ideas, in a way that happens only at Locarno.
“In Locarno, auteur filmmaking is the focus for everything. Locarno is universally acknowledged as the Mecca of auteur cinema, the place to meet for key players in the film industry.” The constant center of attention is the future of a kind of filmmaking which is invariably in the front line on the festival circuit but then has to clear the bigger hurdle of making it into commercial distribution.
“A give-and-take between professionals sharing the same passions and interests can only lead to constructive thinking.” – concludes Nadia Dresti – “Locarno Pro will work to make sure that the actions, ideas, and concepts put forward here will put the leading players in auteur filmmaking in a better position to face the challenges of the future.”


Organization Locarno Pro:

Nadia Dresti
Deputy Artistic Director
Head of Locarno Pro

Sophie Bourdon
Deputy Head of Locarno Pro
Head of Open Doors

Sarah Schiesser
Locarno Pro Manager
Deputy Head of Open Doors

Daria Voumard
Locarno Pro Coordinator