Panorama Suisse
Sidebar curated by SWISS FILMS
Séverine Cornamusaz
Co-Presidents of the Accademia del Cinema Svizzero
Nicola Ruffo
Director of SWISS FILMS
Niccolò Castelli
Director of the Solothurn Film Festival
David Wegmüller
Semaine de la critique
Organised under the aegis of the Swiss Film Critics’ Association (ASJC)
Giorgia Bertocchi
In March 2010 organisers of the major Swiss film festivals joined forces to form the Swiss Film Festivals Association. This step initiates a structured exchange of information between the most important film festivals in Switzerland.
The point of departure for the Association is the mutual conviction that film festivals make a substantial contribution to the national film culture. The Swiss Film Festivals Association aims to represent these common interests in the public sphere and bolster collaboration with respect to the operative, technical and film-political areas.
The founding members of the association are: Geneva International Film Festival, Fantoche (Baden), Festival du Film et Forum International sur les Droits Humains (Geneva), the Locarno Film Festival, the Fribourg International Film Festival, the International Short Film Festival Winterthur, Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival, Solothurn Film Festival, Visions du Réel (Nyon) and the Zurich Film Festival and Castellinaria (Bellinzona).
Members of the Board
Locarno Film Festival; International Short Film Festival Winterthur; Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival; Solothurn Film Festival; Visions du Réel, Nyon.
President: Philippe Clivaz
Managing Director: Esther Widmer