Samuel Patthey was born in Berlin in 1993. He studied animation at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU). In 2016, he spent half a year at the Shenkar Engineering and Design school in Tel Aviv. Living in Israel was a source of inspiration that he used in directing Travelogue Tel Aviv (2019), which won many prizes in festivals around the world. Since 2018, he has worked as a film animation director in Fribourg, Switzerland.
Nato a Berlino nel 1993, Samuel Patthey ha studiato animazione alla Hochschule Luzern (HSLU). Nel 2016 ha trascorso un semestre presso l’istituto di ingegneria e design Shenkar di Tel Aviv. Dalla esperienza di vita in Israele ha tratto ispirazione per realizzare Travelogue Tel Aviv (2019), che ha vinto numerosi premi in festival di tutto il mondo. Dal 2018 lavora come regista di film d'animazione a Friborgo, in Svizzera.
2024 Sans voix
2020 Écorce
2017 Travelogue Tel Aviv