News  ·  07.08.2018

Good, Morning Locarno - 7 | 8 | 2018

The seventh night. An evening of returns and a day of previews for Locarno71. Ethan Hawke has already arrived, and will introduce Seymour: An Introduction at PalaCinema at 2.30 p.m. and First Reformed at LaSala at 7 p.m. The first week of the Festival ends with a double Piazza Grande: Denis Rabaglia returns to Locarno with My Beloved Enemy, and the Festival pays tribute to Lino Brocka with Manila in the Claws of Light. And then, of course, we have Yara and A Land Imagined in the Concorso internazionale, The Sentence in the Fuori concorso section and two Cineasti del presente entries to keep an eye on: Antoine Russbach's Those Who Work and Nicole Vögele's Closing Time.