News  ·  15.05.2019

laRotonda 2019

From ecology to music, a Village based on harmony

You can be alone or in the company of friends or family. You get to choose how and with whom, but LaRotonda 2019 will certainly be a match for your tastes. The Festival Village will return on July 31 and light up 18 nights, one after the other, in the name of 0-99 entertainment. The new concept of the Locarno72 nights will bring a complete and versatile program to the heart of the Festival, winking at all kinds of audiences and opening all doors for them.

Supported by the customary music line-up organized by RSI via Rete Tre and Rete Uno, laRotonda 2019 will serve as a stage for the classic live concerts, as well as for emerging Swiss Italian bands. They will be the stars of the four Fresh & Wild nights organized in partnership with Stiftung Phonoproduzierende. Another exceptional guest will be Jazz Ascona, with a Carte Blanche that will turn Locarno into New Orleans for one night, Sunday, August 11.

Speaking of partnerships, thanks to la Mobiliare, RSI, and Teatro Dimitri, this year the new Festival Village will also be child-friendly, a place for families to relax, have fun and play games.

Naturally, food will also be on the menu. LaRotonda is and will remain the place where every appetite can be satisfied and every evening refreshed. Thanks to twenty food trucks and selected exhibitors, the Village will retain its cosmopolitan, insatiable aura, on one condition: they have to be eco-friendly. Goodbye plastic cups, hello reusable glasses and biodegradable cutlery.

The end? No, but we're keeping the rest to ourselves for now. And if you want to start imagining it, we'll only say one thing: think wood.

LaRotonda at the Locarno Film Festival will be open from July 31until August 17.