Der Fleck

Directed by Willy Hans

Produced by Julia Cöllen, Karsten Krause, Frank Scheuffele (Fünferfilm UG, Germany)

Co-produced by Michela Pini (8horses, Switzerland)

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Project information

Germany, Switzerland
Willy Hans
Willy Hans (Germany)
Director's Filmography

Das satanische Dickicht - EINS (2014, Germany)

Das satanische Dickicht – ZWEI (2015, Germany)

Das satanische Dickicht - DREI (2017, Germany)

Was wahrscheinlich passiert wäre, wäre ich nicht zuhause geblieben (2020, Germany) 

Julia Cöllen, Karsten Krause, Frank Scheuffele (Fünferfilm)
Producers' Filmography

Drift (2017, Germany)

Olanda (2019, Germany)

At the Bottom of the Sea (2020, Germany)

Humans Flowers of Flesh (2022, Germany, France)