Visitor info

Our audience is our priority. Every year we welcome cinephiles, enthusiasts, industry professionals, journalists, and artists of all ages and backgrounds. For an experience designed around your personal desires and needs, check out our travel, ticketing and accreditation proposals.

Info Points opening hours

Day Passes and tickets for evening screenings can be bought online in advance or at the Info Points.

Info Point Piazza Grande, Coop, Forum @ Spazio Cinema


07.08.2024 - 17.08.2024
8.30 AM to 10 PM
(on days with one screening in Piazza Grande) 
8.30 AM to Midnight
(on days with two screenings in Piazza Grande)

Info Point SES

Open from 07.08.2024 to 17.08.2024
9 AM – 7 PM
General Information