News  ·  20 | 04 | 2023

BaseCamp IV – The Circle Is Open

Applications are open for the fourth edition of the factory for young creatives from all over the world. Experience Locarno76 firsthand by sharing your ideas in a unique context.

While the Locarno Film Festival team works on the artistic program for the next edition, starting today it is already possible to apply for one of the most intense experiences offered to new talents at the Festival, the BaseCamp. If you are aged 18-30 and involved in photography, design, directing, music, acting or art in all its forms, you can take part in the fourth edition of the factory and residence of the Festival dedicated to young artists from all over the world on August 2-12. Here, you’ll have the opportunity to share in the viewing of films, meetings with invited artists and scholars, performances, debates, and - above all - unrepeatable creative opportunities, with the exchange of ideas and perspectives from all corners of the earth.

At Locarno76 and Beyond

Starting in 2019, BaseCamp established itself as one of the central venues for the young community of the Locarno Film Festival. This physical space where young international talents live together for ten days during the Festival also becomes a creative space, thanks to the freedom of expression and the interdisciplinary and intercultural dialogues that develop here. The BaseCamp is specifically designed to offer young people the opportunity to participate in the Locarno Film Festival at a low cost, while deriving maximum benefit from the initiatives that take place during these intensely special summer days. For this reason, the daily program is planned in such a way as to guarantee both participation in the event and in special meetings and activities held in the BaseCamp facilities.

Two Spaces, One Community

Both a home and an observatory over the world of the Locarno Film Festival: this is the BaseCamp, whose fourth edition goes by the title "The Circle is Open". It will host the participants at the BaseCamp Headquarters in nearby Losone, where it will be possible to sleep, have breakfast and collectively plan your days with the other participants. The heart of the daily activities will be instead at the BaseCamp PopUp in a creative hub for young talents, but also a place for meetings, parties and events, and an exhibition space for avant-garde artistic production. Crossover and experimentation are the watchwords of an experience from which synergies and collaborations are born, marking a decisive turning point for those on an artistic path.

If you are interested in participating, send your application to BaseCamp IV. You have until May 31st. The most interesting profiles will be selected by the organizers in order of submission and subject to availability.

For making BaseCamp possible, we thank the municipality of Losone, our partners Play Suisse, la Posta, Migros Culture Percentage Story Lab, SSA, Suissimage, Swissperform, Swatch Art Peace Hotel, and the Mercator Schweiz, Ernst Göhner and Else von Sick foundations for believing in the project and allowing young emerging talents to benefit from this experience.