Press Release  ·  04 | 06 | 2024

Annie Leibovitz Designs Official Poster for Locarno77

The poster for the 77th edition of the Locarno Film Festival, featuring a leopard standing gracefully at the edge of Lago Maggiore, was created by internationally renowned photographer Annie Leibovitz exclusively for the Festival.

©Annie Leibovitz

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For the past fifty years, Annie Leibovitz has been one of the most sought-after international photographers, best known for her portraits of prominent figures, including John Lennon and Yoko Ono, Queen Elizabeth II, Leonardo DiCaprio, Michael Jackson, Barack Obama, Meryl Streep, and Susan Sontag.

The Locarno Film Festival’s leopard, itself a recognizable avatar in the world of auteur cinema, now joins this esteemed line-up, with a poster designed by Annie Leibovitz for its 77th edition.

Set against the backdrop of Lago Maggiore and shot in spring 2024, the image on the poster depicts a leopard on the boulders at the edge of the lake, the clouds overcast in the sky above as it surveys the majesty of the Alpine landscape. Like the Locarno Film Festival, the leopard is captivating, an out-of-place icon in an evocative setting.

Maja Hoffmann, President of the Locarno Film Festival: This year’s poster to accompany the 77th edition of the Locarno Film Festival has been created by one of the most acclaimed image makers of our time, American artist Annie Leibovitz. Annie has produced an iconic image characteristic of her idiosyncratic language. In her unique visual style, the emblematic figure of the Pardo occupies a striking place among the astonishing landscape of the Locarno mountains. Its unique beauty and fragility turn it into a poignant symbol of our times. Its presence strengthens the powerful nature of the stories we will all experience this year through the work of filmmakers and artists, during the Festival in August. I am grateful to Annie for giving form to this idea, and for creating an image that I am sure will become as memorable as the 77th edition of the Locarno Film Festival itself.”


The 77th Locarno Film Festival will take place from 7 to 17 August 2024.

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