Press Release  ·  28 | 07 | 2016

Public lecture with Gaspar Noé

To mark the second year of the collaboration with Red Bull Music Academy, the Festival del film Locarno is pleased to announce a public lecture with Argentinian auteur Gaspar Noé, taking place on Saturday, August 6. 

Gaspar Noé is one of the most daring filmmakers of his generation, responsible for celebrated and challenging movies such as Enter the Void, Irreversible and Love. Noé is reputed for flexing against cinematic boundaries with his undeniably intense style, and he gives equal credence to the power of moving images and music as mechanisms for emotional immersion. As part of the official program at Locarno, Noé will sit for an extended conversation with Red Bull Music Academy founder Torsten Schmidt.

The public lecture with Argentinian auteur Gaspar Noé will take place on Saturday, August 6 at 13:00 at the Spazio Cinema (FORUM)

Founded in 1998, Red Bull Music Academy is a global series of events, workshops, lectures and festivals committed to fostering creativity in music. The Academy celebrates music, its culture, and the transformative minds behind it.