Initially an avantgarde stage actor and director, Hans Hinrich (1903-1974) created innovative shows in 1920s’ Germany. In 1930, he was appointed director of the Berlin Deutsches Theater. In 1931, his film career began under the aegis of Ufa. He directed several films, including Le vainqueur (1932). As he was of Jewish descent, in 1938 he was expelled from the Reich’s Chamber of Culture. He took refuge in Italy, where he directed five motion pictures. He also worked as a voice actor, lending his voice to American stars such as Edward G. Robinson, Claude Rains, and Spencer Tracy.
Inizialmente attore e regista teatrale dell’avanguardia, Hans Hinrich (1903-1974) fu autore di allestimenti innovativi nella Germania degli anni Venti. Nel 1930 gli venne affidata la direzione del Deutsches Theater di Berlino. Nel 1931 iniziò la carriera cinematografica sotto l’egida dell’Ufa e diresse diversi film, tra cui Le vainqueur (1932). Di origini ebraiche, venne espulso nel 1938 dalla Camera della Cultura del Reich e si rifugiò in Italia, dove diresse cinque titoli. Fu anche doppiatore: prestò la sua voce a celebri attori statunitensi come Edward G. Robinson, Claude Rains e Spencer Tracy.