Press Release  ·  18.12.2024

The Locarno Film Festival Is Evaluating the Possibility of Changing the Date of the Event for the 80th Edition in 2027

Following the Board of Directors' meeting on December 2, 2024, the Festival informed the City of Locarno that it intends to evaluate the feasibility of moving the event to the second half of July, starting with its 80th anniversary in 2027. At the same time, the Board of Directors stressed its willingness to discuss further with public bodies and stakeholders to arrive at the best possible decision.

©Marco Agorri

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Against the backdrop of the film industry’s wide-ranging transformations in recent years, this change of dates appears necessary for the Festival to respond to the challenges faced by the entire sector.This adjustment would ensure its ability to meet the expectations of its audience and continue to attract international professionals, major talents, and significant film productions. The aim is to reinforce Locarno’s position as a crucial and sought-after launching pad for international cinema.

In officially informing the City of Locarno that this process of consideration is underway, the Festival has also expressed its willingness to promote extended dialogue with federal, cantonal, and regional public authorities, as well as with interested entities, partners, and key local players in the fields of culture, business, and society in general. This also includes the international community of film festivals, which will be consulted through the International Federation of Film Producers’ Associations (FIAPF), responsible for regulating the dates of major film events worldwide.

The aim is to reach a decision that offers the best conditions for the Festival to continue to be an internationally recognized and lauded cultural event that supports cinema and its industry, as it has been since 1946.

The next two editions of the Locarno Film Festival will take place from August 6 to 16, 2025 and August 5 to 15, 2026.