A story that immediately caught the attention of the public in Piazza Grande, was that of Camille, heroine of the homonymous film by French director Boris Lojkine. The Central African Republic Conflict, a dirty war as dirty as war, and she, Camille Lepage, was 26-years old when she arrived in the Black Continent with a shoulder bag of cameras and lenses and the editorial offices of half a world waiting anxiously for the download of her latest shots. From the Guardian to Le Monde, from the Wall Street Journal to the Washington Post, her images make the forces that drive that conflict closer, more present, more alive. Destiny awaited her on the way to the Cameroonian border, a death shrouded in mystery but one that has not failed to shake the souls of those who knew her story, through her photos or now through this film dedicated to her.
Lojkine asked permission from the Lepage family, her parents guardians of the memory of their young daughter, given to sacrifice in the name of information, before writing even one line of the script. He then searched until he found the impeccable Nina Meurisse, who, like Camille, was also born in 1988, and with an infinite desire to take possession of this testimony and make it her own.
There were a thousand traps, and a thousand ambushes around the corner as they ventured into an undertaking like this - a film that could be filled with stereotypes and clichés, but instead lives and returns Camille to life.